For those who need to send in the waiver electronically it can be found here.
Route Description – UPDATED 10/20/2022
Start Line: Pouch Cove (Lat/Lon: 47.762021, -52.762973)
Stage 1 Pouch Cove to Flatrock – “Stiles Cove Path”
15.1 km East Coast Trail. Towards the end of this stage, as you are leaving Red Head Cove, there is a left turn onto the ECT to go around the headland. You should take this turn rather than continuing straight on along an ATV track.
Flatrock Aid Station and Relay Transition (Lat/Lon: 47.704992, -52.710386)
Stage 2 Flatrock to Middle Cove.
1.1 km road
Flatrock to Torbay – “Father Troy’s Trail”
8.7 km East Coast Trail
Make sure you run out to and around the split rock at the end of Flatrock. No shortcuts.
About halfway along this section, the trail splits. There is a signpost; take the trail to the left marked “difficult” for “Church Cove”. This turn will be marked with pink flagging tape. Careful on the cliff path; do not fall off.
On approaching Torbay, keep left and cross the bridge. You will follow the trail around the beach and up the hill on the other side of the bay to the road.
1.4 km road.
From Spray Lane turn left onto Marine Drive, turn left on Motion Lane, and then turn right onto Motion Drive until you reach Silver Mine Head Path.
Torbay to Middle Cove – “Silver Mine Head Path”
2.4 km East Coast Trail. This section includes crossing Motion River – where there is now a bridge in place. Continue to Stay left on the ECT, following the ocean, until you reach Middle Cove Beach. Keep your head up on this section; there is a fence blocking off a part of the trail. Don’t run into it.
Middle Cove Aid Station and Relay Transition (Lat/Lon: 47.650311, -52.696599)
Stage 3 Middle Cove to Quidi Vidi.
2.9 km road – Exiting the parking lot at Middle Cove Beach, turn left onto Marine Drive and you will eventually turn left onto Doran’s Lane, keeping right until you reach the Cobbler Path trail head.
Outer Cove to Red Cliff – “Cobbler Path”
8.2 km East Coast Trail. Follow the boardwalk and path until you come out facing the ocean. Nice view. The trail splits. Turn RIGHT. There is pink flagging tape marking the way.
Stay on the ECT until you reach a wooden ECT sign.
Continue going straight (Do not turn right to the radio tower), and the trail will take you to the new ECT Parking lot on Cobbler’s Crescent. When you reach the second wooden sign ECT sign marked ‘Viewpoint’, turn right down the hill to Cobbler’s Crescent parking.
3.9 km road
Exit the parking lot by turning left, turn left reaching Red Cliff Road, and left again onto Marine Drive and finally turning left onto Marine Lab Road to take you to the final Aid Station and the Sugarloaf Path trailhead.
Logy Bay to Quidi Vidi – “Sugarloaf Path”
8.9 km East Coast Trail. This is the most technically challenging part of the course, but thankfully this is where the fun really starts. Your legs will be shot from the recent road running and the previous 40-odd km. Because of the enormous amount of fun during this stage you will probably question why you are doing this – just remember there is a bottle of beer and warm clothes at the end.
Coming down the final hill (you will need to carefully follow the pink flagging tape as we will intersect 5 times with a bike path), as well as the ‘people-signs’ for the ECT, not the bicycle signs, as well as the wooden Black and White posts. There will be pink flagging tape to lead you down past the trailhead to the access trail leading to the parking lot.
Turn left heading towards the wooden bridge, crossing it and keeping right passing the houses on Maple View Road, turning right onto Barrows Road, and crossing Quidi Vidi Village Road leading you to the Inn of Olde.
Finish Line – inside the Inn of Olde!
Start Time: Sunrise 07:43
Finish Time: Sunset 17:55
There are 3 sets of instructions: for solo runners, team runners and everyone.
Kit pick-up will be at Biped, 564 Water St., Monday – Friday during the week of the race.
Solo Runners:
Meet: 6:30 Quidi Vidi (Lat/Lon: 47.584090, -52.678584 ) to leave OPTIONAL drop bag for Middle Cove, a bag for post-run, and to car pool to the start in Pouch Cove. Let us know if you have a support crew who could drive people to the start.
Bring lots of food and water to run with. There will NOT be food at the aid stations, just water and Powerade.
Set of warm post-run clothes for the Inn of Olde (lots of warm layers including fresh socks/shoes.)
Drop bag with spare clothes and extra food. This will be available at the aid station in Middle Cove.
Team runners:
You will be responsible for getting your 1st runner to the start line in Pouch Cove (Lat/Lon: 47.762021, -52.762973) the 2nd runner to the transition opposite the church in Flatrock (Lat/Lon: 47.704992, -52.710386) and the 3rd runner to the transition at the top of Middle Cove Beach (Lat/Lon: 47.650311, -52.696599).
Let us know if you have space to drive any solo runners from Quidi Vidi to Pouch Cove.
Route finding:
Follow the East Coast Trail wooden signs. When in doubt turn left, but avoid viewpoints, which are signposted “VIEWPOINT” (unless you want to visit the scenic viewpoints.)
The road sections will be clearly marked.
From the final hill down to Quidi Vidi you will need to carefully follow the people directions not the bicycle directions on the ECT signs.
Aid Stations:
There will be water and Powerade at the aid stations in Flatrock and Middle Cove. There will not be snacks & we will not be supplying cups. Please bring a water bladder and/or a cup so we can try to avoid plastic cup garbage.
Emergencies: Bring a cell phone in a ziplock bag.
IMPORTANT: Retiring from the race:
Please tell us if you are retiring from the race. If you go home without telling us we will send out search party and that is not cool for false alarms. NOT COOL AT ALL.
Logy Bay cut-off time:
15:30: You will need to be in Logy Bay by 3:30 pm to finish before dark.
Finish Line:
Inside the Inn of Olde. There will be warm food waiting and a Curly Wurly for all finishers (a 1/3 for relay runners).
There will be a prizes draw when everyone is in. It will be warm and cozy in the Inn. We hope that everyone will stick around to welcome the last finisher.
Not a huge fan of the title, but here’s a link to an article about Caroline running 190km on the original ECT in one continuous run over 29 hours.